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Choose The Best CTC Tea Brand in India - Price: Rs. 0

Ad # 842491
Subhankar Chowdhury
735214 (map)
December 30, 2023
December 29, 2024
When choosing the best CTC tea brand in India, several factors should be considered for both tea preparation needs and budget alignment. The article emphasizes key considerations:

Location Matters:

The location of the tea brand significantly impacts the tea's quality. Opting for brands based in major tea hubs like Siliguri and Assam ensures access to the freshest teas, ensuring high quality across their products.

Tea Sourcing from Reputed Gardens:

Evaluating the tea gardens from which the brand sources its teas is crucial. Leading brands, such as Naturolled Tea, directly source from reputable Dooars tea gardens, eliminating middlemen and guaranteeing the freshest and highest quality tea batches.

Streamlined Manufacturing Processes:

The chosen brand should have streamlined and sustainable manufacturing processes to preserve natural flavors and freshness. Brands like Naturolled prioritize in-house manufacturing, avoiding the quality gaps associated with outsourcing production processes.

Compliance with Regulations:
It is essential that the brand complies with food safety and quality control regulations mandated by the government of India, such as FSSAI and ISO standards. This ensures ethical manufacturing practices and customer satisfaction.

Values and Mission:

Consider the values and mission of the brand. Modern brands often prioritize societal value alongside profitability. Understanding a brand's commitment, such as supporting tea garden communities, allows consumers to align with mission-led goals and support brands making a positive impact.

By considering these factors, consumers can make informed choices when selecting CTC tea brands that meet their preferences, quality standards, and ethical considerations.
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